The Best Outdoor Security Camera Systems

As a homeowner, installing a top-notch outdoor security system is an investment in both your property and peace of mind. With these nifty devices, no matter where you are, you’ll have round the clock visibility of your home’s perimeter, allowing you to spot suspicious activity before it becomes a problem. Sometimes, the presence of a security camera alone can be enough to ward off potential intruders! That said, let’s dive into today’s top security camera systems.
Differences in Security Camera Systems
Although all high-end security camera systems on today’s market perform the vital function of video surveillance, the quality and complexity of this ability varies between products. When choosing your home’s techno watchdog, it helps to keep a list of key features to guide your search, including:
- Video Quality: If all your images appear as fuzzy dots, what’s the point of having a security camera anyway? Even if you only intend to install a camera as a cautionary measure, it’s important all images the system captures render at a high enough quality to alert you to potential mischief or — in the worst case — to be used as viable evidence in the incident of a home invasion. Since security cameras function on the same pixel technology as video cameras, it’s important to select a system with high resolution. Generally, 4 MP or 1080p resolution is high enough to record clear images with obscured details, while 5 MP is the gold standard.
- Power Source: Like all electronics, security cameras need to derive their power from somewhere. At the moment, there are three types of power sources for wireless cameras: solar powered, plug-in cable, and battery powered.
- Installation: Most cameras can be installed simply with a screwdriver. The complicated part is deciding where the best place to install it is.
- Storage: There are two ways you can store your camera’s video footage: local or cloud. With local storage, you will store the footage on a microSD card or a USB drive and want to make sure it is easily accessible in time of need. Most people prefer this method because it is both convenient and private. With cloud storage, you can view the footage from anywhere through your phone or any other electronic device that has the app.

The Best Outdoor Systems of 2020

Stay Secure with Pop-A-Lock
If you’re still on the fence about installing an outdoor security camera system, let Pop-A-Lock clear up your doubts with our residential security audit. We’ll scour your property in search of security blind spots, and advise you on how to beef up your defenses. Or, if you prefer to poke around for yourself, download our free home security audit checklist today!