
We are your trusted
locksmith in Concord, NC

We are your most dependable
and affordable mobile locksmith

Call Us Today!

Pop-A-Lock of Concord, NC

Locked out? Lost keys and need an auto locksmith? Call Pop-a-Lock of Concord, NC…the Locksmith you can Trust.

Moving to a new home? Rekey your locks and secure your home with a locksmith you can trust – Pop-a-Lock of Concord, NC. Call us at 704-721-5880 and let us know how we can be of service.

Need to rekey your office? Repair locks and exit devices at your store? Pop-a-Lock of Concord, NC is the locksmith to call.

Thousands of people in Concord, NC have learned to trust Pop-a-Lock for their auto locksmith, home, business and commercial locksmith needs.

Serving the Entire Concord Metro Area

Concord, NC area

Local Dispatch Numbers

Pop-A-Lock Nationwide
Phone704-721-5880Address Concord, NC,